Like every other meat in the world, you can buy alligator at the MT Supermarket. And when I saw it, of course I did just that.
It stayed in the freezer for a long time before I did the necessary background research and thawed the little reptile bits out.
The packaging should have described it as gator ends and pieces. I was expecting hunks of fatty alligator tail like slabs of steak. But the package contained boney, unidentified limbs.
They could have been legs, but maybe they were neck or the very tip of the tail.
With careful slicing I was able to get about a cup and a half of edible bits of meats. But at least half the weight of the package ended up with the remaindered chicken carcasses in the freezer for use in future stock.
The rest got fried and ended up in a vaguely cajun-esque recipe I found on the internet.
Did it taste like chicken you ask? Don’t be silly. It tasted exactly like turkey.