It’s hard to see from this photo, but the pepino melon is a very under-sized melon. It’s about the size of a very undersized plum, and when you cut it open, there’s a number of tiny seeds which are slightly smaller than the ones you would find in a tomato. I saved a few of
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When you think about it though, geometric shapes don’t have any mass, so why would any of them not fly? Especially since it’s easier to draw them if they’re not intersecting any background contours. As I recall, Circle was made by tracing a milk bottle lid, which is already a bit of pain.
The first thing you notice about the Irish Moss Soda is that there is no moss in it. At least non visible. There is however a creamy, thick, slurry of peanut flavoring. It tastes exactly like a third cup of Peter Pan PB with a half cup of milk added to it. We know this
The craving for gizzards has dogged me for a month. The problem is, most of the places you would expect to find gizzards, i.e.: gas stations, either only have gizzards in the early afternoon or they don’t advertise that they have these particular fried treats. Luckily we have Lucy’s, the hipster fried chicken joint. Not
This is an exploration of Circle and Almost Circle’s character. They are jerks.
There I was, browsing through a convenience store off Cesar Chavez BLVD, when I came across this unusual flavor of paleta. A consultation with a handy smartphone translated the flavor, camote, as “sweet potato.” At first, one might think that blue is an unusual color to represent sweet potato. Then you might think that potatoes
This comic is funny because it uses the word “inflammable.”
I think I’ve finally glutted my appetite for spring fishing. At least I’ve slightly dulled the hunger. This Friday marked the second week of continuous after-work fishing. I tried covering new ground from last week, although I was limited by fishing holes that were more or less on my bike ride home. Lying very much
This is a comics series I did for the Texas Rawhide. It was back in the days of pen and paper and photocopied templates. As I recall, only the first three of the series ever saw publication, the rest were held in reserve for a publishing run that never materialized. I like to think of
At first glance the Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage and pancake on a stick looks a lot like a corn dog. Then you look closer and you see the telltale signs of breakfast. Aside from the similarity in shape, this product is clearly its own creature. And what sets this apart from lesser food, is the