For a while now I’ve been fascinated with the stretch of the Colorado River downstream from Lady Bird Lake. At one point, my friend Peter Gabriel and I planned on taking a float trip down the river from the Montopolis bridge to the 973 bridge near the airport. It was a genius idea because the
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I saw this owl while on my way to the convenience store. It flew into a tree, and I could see its squat little shape up in the branches. It was a little after dark, so I turned on the flash on the phone. But all you can see is the reflection of one eye.
I was turning the soil in my garden, and this great big spider fell out of a clump of leaves. I didn’t want to kill it, because I am a gentleman, so I scooted it onto the shovel to transport it somewhere safer. It didn’t want to get onto the shovel, so I had to
So there I was, walking through the back yard to the garage, and there’s this ear-splitting screech right at ear level. Normally the cicadas are high in the trees, filling Austin with that noise that sounds like heat feels, but this one was on a low-hanging branch. Even so, I never would have found it
If you are at all cool, you’re way into steampunk. And as it turns out, I’ve published several stories that could vaguely be considered on the outskirts of that genre. That’s why you should be excited to learn that my story The Secret of Pogoplis, has been reprinted by Beneath Ceaseless Skies in their new
From the comics vault:
I always liked those daily serialized comics, didn’t you? Pity we don’t have a newspaper industry anymore to support them. This was another comic I put together with actual honest-to-gosh pen and ink while working for the Texas Rawhide. I had an old Flash Gordon comic book that I cribbed to get that black-on-white retro
This came from a period when I was experimenting with the gag cartoon format, trying to find a style that I could whip together quickly. This would have been more topical if I could have produced and published it while America still cared about indefinite detention.
How to Export Your Miro Feeds to Google Android Listen
I finally took the plunge and bought a smartphone, the HTC Vision. In fact I am writing this very post on the Android WordPress app. Which is taking excrucuatingly long to type, so I don’t envision doing this very often. But aside from setting up the flashlight, chess, and words with friends apps, the more
This comic would have been topical if I had actually produced it within a couple of years of Ingmar Bergman’s passing.