Matthew Bey is a writer, editor, internet marketer, and country gentleman living in Austin, Texas.

As a day job, Matthew works in search marketing, with a special emphasis in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.
Matthew Bey is an avid sportsman and urban forager who has won multiple blue ribbons from the Texas State Fair canning competition, and has been certified by Texas Parks and Wildlife as an elite angler, only the tenth person in Texas to earn that distinction for both freshwater and saltwater.
He was a co-founder of the print zine Space Squid and assistant edited at the Drabblecast podcast. He contributed to the futurist blog No Fear of the Future. His short stories have appeared in Black Gate Magazine, Town Drunk, Pseudopod, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, and many other venues.
He’s contributed to several podcasts. He provides voice work and content for This Week in the Multiverse with S.G. Wilson. He Game Masters for the podcast Bad Roll Models. And with Jamey Maness he makes the fishing-oriented Last Cast Podcast, and the gritty detective podcast Corpus Thunder. He also serves on the highly secretive Loquat Fest governing council.
Matthew Bey’s most current work is the novella Deep Austin: The Case of the Weird Carnivorous Sky, which he co-wrote with Nicky Drayden.